Friday, September 25, 2009

One of Those Weeks

Exhale. It's Friday night. Whew. Have you ever just had one of those weeks? Of course you have. Well, it's the weekend now. Hopefully that will bring the rest, perspective, and refocusing we all need.

In addition to everything else we were already dealing with, I found out my spunky, classy, one-of-a-kind Grandma Maridon suffered a stroke and brain bleed this week. She made it through neurosurgery to repair the bleed, but the road to recovery appears long. She is making progress, however, and is able to intermittently speak coherently and recognize people.

So, as the week draws to a close, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Soccer season is almost over (yeah!) I actually finished my laundry (miracle!) and I relented and fed my family a real meal of lasagna and yummy bread tonight in strong opposition to all my Biggest Loser goals. Because I still believe in comfort food. A good, hearty, traditional meal can have a healing and stabilizing effect on people.