Thursday, January 8, 2009

Let the Good Times Roll!

So, I didn't get to bed until 5:00 this morning. I got about three hours of sleep before I was (luckily) awakened by the phone ringing. Only at that moment did I realize, through blurred vision, that I had approximately fifteen minutes to get Kid #1 out of bed, dressed, fed, and off to school. In a flurry of activity, we made it . . . barely. With that mission accomplished, I shift my focus to the others only to realize that Kid #2 has pink eye and a hacking cough, Kid #3 is suffering the effects from his all-night scream fest, and Kid #4 is hungry.

So, I attend to those little matters with what little energy three hours of sleep can muster and move on. I head to the pediatrician, secretly praying that there is some logical reason for last night's misery. And yes, there is--Ear infection! I then return home and faithfully pour the ammoxicillin into yogurt for Fisher to eat. Having the keen intuition that his yogurt's been tainted, he promptly launches it across the kitchen, amoxicillin and all. Just at that moment, Loryn starts choking on her lunch and run over prepared to administer the Heimlich. Instead, she throws up everywhere. Now, my kitchen is covered in yogurt and throw-up. Just a snapshot into the memorable moments of motherhood. I know we've all had them. Let the good times roll!