Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Slipping Through My Fingers

Quincy Grace turned 8 weeks old yesterday. This week she started to smile and giggle. I was lucky enough to catch the fleeting moment on film. My, how time flies.

I couldn't help but think of the words from a song I heard in "Mamma Mia." It talks about time slipping through the fingers of a mother's hands. How true it is. Sure, the day in and day out of motherhood may seem a little mundane, even monotonous at times, but it goes by so quickly.

Taylor is seven, Loryn is four, and Fisher will be two in February. When did it all happen? It's at times like these when I kick myself for not being a more faithful journal-writer. I'm already starting to forget. Thank goodness for blogs.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Last Will and Testament

So, today Dan and I signed our last will and testament. It is a grave and reflective moment as you consider the measures taken in the event of your sickness and death. It's never easy to answer the tough questions required for such a process. Do I want all measures to be taken to prolong my life? Who will care for my children if we die? Who will I trust with our money if we die? Who do I want to make medical decisions for me when I am unable? At what age do I trust my children to manage their money wisely? Such weighty questions combined with my impending thirtieth birthday have sent me into a contemplative and sentimental tail-spin! And surely the postpartum hormones don't help. Ultimately, I've come away with this message--seize the day and treasure every seemingly trivial moment you're given. I guess this all comes at the heels of reading Randy Pausch's Last Lectures-- an interesting and quick read for anyone looking. Carpe Diem!

Quincy's Blessing

This weekend Dan gave Quincy Grace a name and a blessing. She was wearing our family heirloom dress that I was named in. It was a wonderful day to be surrounded by friends and family and visually reminded of the tremendous support system with which we've been blessed. I didn't get a chance to say it that day, but these past months have given our family a lot of opportunities to further appreciate our family, friends, and faith. Why is it that we have to experience times of humility to truly reverence what we have? Either way, we thank you all for your enduring friendship and love.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


Because I am truly cruel, I dressed my poor son up as a girl for Halloween. He wouldn't wear any "real" costumes, so this way he didn't know he was actually dressed up. He bears an uncanny (and creepy) resemblance to our daughter Taylor. And those who didn't know him couldn't believe he was actually a boy! A little unsettling for us all. Taylor and Loryn were witches and little Quincy, only nine days old, was too little to dress up.
The kids had a great time trick-or-treating in the unusually warm weather and because they're not huge candy fans, I had a great time eating their stash!
Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays because I used to love any excuse to dress up. My friends and I jumped at any chance to show off our latest thrift store finds. Although I didn't dress up this year, it was so much fun to see my four kids count down the days and get so excited to strut their stuff at their school parades.

Isn't She Lovely?

In the words of the great Stevie Wonder, "Isn't she Lovely? Isn't she wonderful?" As a new mom, I would have to answer with a resounding, "Yes!"

Quincy Grace Ross was born on October 21, 2008 at 4:30pm. She weighed 7lbs and 5oz and was 19 inches long. She was healthy and beautiful and the fact that she was a girl was, well, a surprise. She is our third daughter which makes Fisher outnumbered. The labor was quick and, thanks to an epidural, easy. It was a perfect day and we're very lucky to have her.