Thursday, January 15, 2015

A Crazy Little Thing Called Basketball

My girls both play basketball. And my husband coaches both of them. And their Aunt coaches Loryn with Dan. And their Grandpa and Grandma come to many of their games. And then everyone likes to hash it out over Sunday dinner. Inevitably, every conversation of the extended Ross family comes back to basketball. It's a big part of their family culture. And it's wonderful and complicated and heart-wrenching and entertaining. And sometimes we all wonder why we do it. But I love watching my girls play, win or lose, through smiles and tears. And I don't know how long it will last, but for now, it's how  we spend the better part of our Saturdays and many of our weeknights as well.

Fisher's Futsal and Basketball

Fisher played Futsal and basketball before Christmas. On this particular Saturday, his games were back to back. This is a boy who loves to play. He gets so excited to go to his games. He'll get dressed super early and start the countdown.

Wax Museum

It's at time like these when I kick myself and say, "Why didn't I take the time to get a better picture?!" And then I remember I was living my life and, as always, this got sandwiched between dinner and homework and rainy weather and running late and a host of other obstacles.

 But alas, it was the Fifth Grade Wax Museum and Loryn chose to be Clara Barton. She did her research and dressed up as the cutest Civil War nurse imaginable. Thanks Grandma Donnette for the costume!
 The Wax Museum consists of posing motionless for an hour on parent night and several hours for the students the next day. Loryn did a wonderful job. I only managed to coerce a smile out of her after much cajoling.

Crazy Hair Day

So, it was Crazy Hair/Mustache Day for Spirit Week. And there you go.

Happy Halloween!

Halloween Craft

Grandma invited us up to do a fun Halloween craft with her after school!

Pumpkin Patch Field Trip

The day after Quincy's birthday I joined her kindergarten class for their trip to the Pumpkin Patch. I even got to ride on the bus! (which is not a bonus in my world).

It was a beautiful day and it was fun to see Quincy interact with her classmates.

Quincy is 6!

I must admit that Quincy's birthdays are almost the most difficult for me personally. Simply because she is my baby, and every birthday of hers seems to close another chapter of my life. I can't believe how quickly time has flown.

She has been the perfect baby to "end on", though. The true icing on the cake. She is so full of . . well, everything.

From the day she was born, she has been attached to my side. She loves to cuddle, snuggle, hang on, kiss, squeeze, and nuzzle. And she thinks every animal and every thing tiny is "so cute" (said in a very high pitch, squealy voice.) She is a diva, a princess, an artist, an observer, a tag along, a good sport, a pretender, an animal lover, a socialite, a dreamer, a talker, and a sweetheart.

For her birthday this year, Quincy had a fun-filled day. We started the morning off right with
obligatory donuts. After she got out of school at noon, she went to lunch and shopping with Grandma and Grandpa Ross. Later, her simple wish was to go to Chuck E. Cheese's. And who am I to deny a birthday wish? She and Fisher used to call it "Chuck a Jesus," which is both sacrilegious and hilarious. So I took Quincy, her three friends, and Fisher to Chuck E. Cheese's after school and we had a great time. Afterwards, we met up with the rest of the family, both sets of grandparents, the Hansens, and Jameson and April for cake, ice cream, and present opening. A great day!