Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Fisher Turns 6!

 In February, this little guy turned 6! I can't believe how quickly time flies. I have to admit that my only little boy has a special corner of my heart. He has been such a sweet, happy, fun little boy.
Fisher has always had such a tender heart. He is always looking out for others and mindful of people's feelings. He is always quick to apologize, comfort, and praise. He is also a stickler for the rules, obeying and enforcing them.
For Fisher's sixth birthday, he was able to have his first "friends" party. We invited a few of his closest friends over for an Angry Bird party. His Grandma Ross was nice enough to make and Angry Bird hat for each of the boys. We had so much fun playing a variety of Angry Bird games. The boys were in seventh heaven and we counted it a great success.