Friday, June 21, 2013

Family Day at The Fire Academy

 On a very cold and stormy day in April, Jameson's fire academy class put on a demonstration for their families.
 It was fun to be able to see what he has been working so hard on this semester. The last semester of Fire Academy is really intense training and many people drop out. We were so proud of Jameson's hard work.
 Looking at these guys suit up in all their gear and walk straight into a burning building, carrying heavy equipment really makes you appreciate firefighters.
 The kids got a kick out of seeing all the fire trucks and engines and seeing Jameson in all his gear. Even though it was freeeezing!

Easter 2013

Because I am months removed from the actual event (blast my procrastination!), I can't actually remember what we did for Easter. But my kiddos are sure cute, aren't they?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Loryn Turns 9!

I love this little girl so much. She is filled with emotion, passion, determination, competition, and humor.

Loryn's birthday was fun-filled this year. Her birthday happened to fall on the last day of ski school. So, Dan and I decided to join her and Taylor for skiing. We checked them out early from school, so we could have a chance to ski with them before their classes. A huge blizzard hit as we were headed up the canyon. Once we got up to Sundance, they closed the canyon behind us. This meant that our cousins weren't able to join us for a while, but neither was anyone else! Ski school was cancelled and no one could make it up the canyon. We had Sundance almost entirely to ourselves. We had to muscle through a total blizzard and almost no visibility, but we had a great time. Eventually, Jen and her kids were able to join us and we had so much fun skiing all together. After a long, cold, but very fun day, we made it home for pizza, cake, and ice cream.

Happy St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day was on Sunday this year, but we managed to set a trap for a leprechaun the night before. After church, we had the Hansens down for a green dinner. Taylor caught us in a stunning pose as we set the tables for dinner. It's a wonder we aren't models!

Winter Playdate

 I just loved these pictures. There is really no story to them. The winter is long and cold here, so at the first glimmer of sunshine we run outside. Unfortunately, this trip to the park reminded us that we were a little premature in our hope for spring.

Fisher Turns 6!

 In February, this little guy turned 6! I can't believe how quickly time flies. I have to admit that my only little boy has a special corner of my heart. He has been such a sweet, happy, fun little boy.
Fisher has always had such a tender heart. He is always looking out for others and mindful of people's feelings. He is always quick to apologize, comfort, and praise. He is also a stickler for the rules, obeying and enforcing them.
For Fisher's sixth birthday, he was able to have his first "friends" party. We invited a few of his closest friends over for an Angry Bird party. His Grandma Ross was nice enough to make and Angry Bird hat for each of the boys. We had so much fun playing a variety of Angry Bird games. The boys were in seventh heaven and we counted it a great success.

Winter Basketball

Taylor played on two basketball teams this season, which meant a lot of running around. Dan coached her Bantam league basketball team and they had a pretty good season. The real fun was playing Jr. Jazz, though, with her best friend. Sometimes the score got so high, they had to turn off the score board.
Loryn also played Jr. Jazz this winter. She was the only third grader on the team, but she's scrappy and held her own. We were so proud of her!