So, this is the conclusion to a day full of festivity and sugar. My kids (plus a friend) came home after a long night of canvassing the neighborhood and poured out their loot to sort through it in the front hall.

Loryn proudly displayed her butterfly costume in the school parade. Taylor is now too old to participate in the parade and went roller skating with her class instead. Fisher's preschool parade reduced him to tears and he boycotted the entire evenT. Apparently some kid had convinced him that his Hulk costume was stupid.

Alas, we went home and changed to our back-up costume of a pirate. He perked up and we went trick-or-treating at our Papa Ace's. My Papa was tickled to see the kids in their costumes (or at least he pretended to be!)

Taylor and Fisher dressed alike for trick-or-treating. I personally think they are each other's clones. At home, we call them "Team Dan" because they look like their dad. We call Loryn and Quincy "Team Hillary" because they look more like me. Technically, they don't even look like me--they simply look LESS like Dan.