Monday, June 27, 2011
Car Wash
Brother Firefighter

Sunday, June 26, 2011
Hanging out at the Mall
Ears Pierced!
Loryn has wanted to get her ears pierced FOREVER! Unfortunately, she has an aversion to needles and pain that causes her to break into hysterics at the mention of flu shots. But, out of nowhere, she decided she could be brave enough to get her ears pierced. I could tell she was scared out of her whits, but the desire overwhelmed the fear and she went through with it. She didn't cry or flinch or complain once, so I've got to hand it to her! She loves them and looks so cute! (this picture is taken pre-piercing as she nervously awaits the unknown!)
Papa's Birthday
Cousins Day
Ladybugs, Butterflies, Oh My!
We all scream for Ice Cream!
Loryn's Family Program
I have been on hiatus from blogging. Don't think I don't notice the irony that a writing-loving English major has completely lost the motivation to write and the ability to string sentences together! But, alas, I have returned in a less-than-valiant attempt to chronicle the goings on of our lives.
An embarrassing amount of weeks have passed since Loryn had her "One Big Happy Family" program at school. She sang with gusto and purpose as only Loryn could. Loryn is my singer, like her dad. I'm not talking about ability so much as love. The two of them are ALWAYS humming and singing, sometimes on tune and sometimes with the right words.
I love my little Lo Lo and can't believe she is growing up so fast. Next year, she's off to second grade and I can barely stand it. She is such a delight. Many years ago I served in the Young Women's presidency with Loryn's first grade teacher, Mrs. Niccoli. At the time, her husband was diagnosed with cancer and ultimately passed away. Over the course of this school year, Mrs. Niccoli started dating someone, got engaged, and got married weeks after school let out for summer. Loryn was all abuzz with the latest details of Mrs. Niccoli's romance and upcoming wedding. Loryn is such a romantic!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Fabulous Fourth
This is Jasmine. She plays on Taylor's soccer and basketball teams. They are the two tallest girls in fourth grade, so the two fellow sporty spices stick together.
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