Tuesday, November 9, 2010


My girls each dressed up as flappers this year (even though they had no idea what a flapper was and kept forgetting the name of their costume!) Loryn's costume is actually the exact one that I wore in elementary school, handmade by my very own mother! Fisher was thrilled to be a fireman as that is his latest obsession. And Quincy refused to dress up and so we resorted to the age-old tactic of cross dressing.

Earlier in the week, the youth in our ward hosted a Halloween carnival for the primary kids. Since I'm an advisor, I was in charge of the face painting booth and was also "forced" to dress up in 80's attire and perform "Beat It" as a sequel to last year's "Thriller" performance. It was an all-time personal low.
On Saturday morning, we hosted a Halloween party for the whole Ross clan at our house. We had donut-on-a-string eating contests, cake walks, and all kinds of fun. We felt so lucky to have Mike and Lesa and their kids in town that weekend (even though it was unfortunate circumstances that brought them).

Just as the prime trick-or-treating hours neared, the clouds opened and it began to pour. We waited out the storm at Grandma and Grandpa Fisher's. As soon as the rain slowed to a trickle, we bundled up for some great trick-or-treating. My kids thought this notion of free candy was simply wonderful and couldn't get enough. Loryn and Katie were running from house to house so quickly we couldn't keep up. Fisher and Quincy were hilarious and completely adorable. A real highlight of the year.