Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Perfect Woman

In the spirit of reality (because don't even pretend you haven't done this too!), I have created the perfect woman out of those that I know.

As kind as . . . Becky Roberts
As thoughtful as . . . Megan and Tiffany Duncan
As sensitive as . . . Sage Christianson
As pretty and fit as . . . Lori Mitchell
As faithful as . . . Jill Connelly and my mom
As domestic as . . . Jenny McArthur
As motherly as . . . Jen Lund and all my "moms": Donnette, Helen, Maureen
As funny as . . . Jenna Morrison and Jamie Okey
As determined as . . . Sarah LaPray
As clean as . . . Lesa Ross
As athletic/competitive as . . . Jen Hansen and Amy Vellinga
As "go with the flow" as . . . Natalie Ross
As fun as . . . Jody Ross
As confident as . . . Natalie Fairbourne
As outgoing as . . . Kalo Latu (and I'll take her musical talent too)
As stylish as . . . Maridon Brockbank
As genuine as . . . Jodi Weidman
As smart and driven as . . . Sarah Jensen
As positive as . . . Louis Pope, he's a man, but he wins hands down in this category

So, there you go, that's what I aim for everyday. No wonder I keep coming up short!