Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Perfect Woman

In the spirit of reality (because don't even pretend you haven't done this too!), I have created the perfect woman out of those that I know.

As kind as . . . Becky Roberts
As thoughtful as . . . Megan and Tiffany Duncan
As sensitive as . . . Sage Christianson
As pretty and fit as . . . Lori Mitchell
As faithful as . . . Jill Connelly and my mom
As domestic as . . . Jenny McArthur
As motherly as . . . Jen Lund and all my "moms": Donnette, Helen, Maureen
As funny as . . . Jenna Morrison and Jamie Okey
As determined as . . . Sarah LaPray
As clean as . . . Lesa Ross
As athletic/competitive as . . . Jen Hansen and Amy Vellinga
As "go with the flow" as . . . Natalie Ross
As fun as . . . Jody Ross
As confident as . . . Natalie Fairbourne
As outgoing as . . . Kalo Latu (and I'll take her musical talent too)
As stylish as . . . Maridon Brockbank
As genuine as . . . Jodi Weidman
As smart and driven as . . . Sarah Jensen
As positive as . . . Louis Pope, he's a man, but he wins hands down in this category

So, there you go, that's what I aim for everyday. No wonder I keep coming up short!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Papa Ace's 91st

We celebrated my Papa Ace's 91st birthday earlier this month. All his children, plus all the grandchildren and great-grandchilren within driving distance attended. My Papa Ace has always been so near and dear to my heart. He did so much to help raise and care for me and my brothers. He is a hard-working, no nonsense man with an amazingly generous and tender heart. I have so many fond memories of his kindness and sacrifice. He took me and my brothers to McDonalds almost every Saturday to give my mom a break. He took us to Utah Lake to feed the ducks. And it wasn't uncommon to come home after school and find a pot of his homemade stew on the stove for us. I love my dear Papa Ace!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Little Mommy

I happen to know from personal experience that being the oldest girl means you are destined to be a mommy of sorts. How grateful I am that my oldest daughter does it so willingly, cheerfully, and proactively. I don't know what I'd do without her.

River at the Park

The official start of summer in North East Provo is when the Provo River is let into the neighborhood park. It creates quite a little river that circles the park and allows the kids hours of freezing fun. The current is strong enough and the water is just deep enough to allow the kids to tube around the perimeter of the park, if you can tolerate the frigid temperature. Needless to say, we have spent a few days at the park this week before the flood gates are closed again.

Toothless Wonder

This weekend Loryn lost her first legitimate tooth. Her first tooth loss was unnatural, as it was robbed from her as a baby by the wicked dentist. It had been split right down the middle due to some mysterious accident in her grandparents' basement.

Anyway, she was thrilled to finally experience a loose tooth for the first time. She had been dreading the actual loss because her pain threshold is next to nothing. She actually cried hysterically at the thought of the inevitable pain. But mommy unintentionally pried it loose during a routine wiggle, and Loryn didn't even know it happened! Beautifully done. The tooth fairy compensated her richly and she couldn't have been more pleased with yet another foray into big girlhood.

You may not be able to tell, but the tooth to replace the lost tooth had already grown in quite a bit. And the space we have been accustomed to for the past five years is finally sporting a tooth also. All I can say is that we better start saving our nickels for what will surely be a whopping orthodontist bill.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Memorial Day

On Memorial Day, we made the annual pilgrimage to the Provo Cemetery to see the headstone of our beloved Grandma Laynie, along with her many progenitors. There is a sense of pride and sentimentality to walk down the rows and feel so connected to so many people. So many Taylors and Fishers.

This picture is taken next to Dan Heath's headstone at the East Lawn Cemetery, which we also visited. A little stone bench, a wrought iron heart, and wind chimes adorn the tree under which he is buried. If I believed that he was still there, I would like that he could listen to the music of these sweet little wind chimes and look out over the valley. We also visisted our Brinton Grandparents who are buried in this cemetery. Our day ended with a neighborhood BBQ and run through the sprinklers. Perfect by definition.

Day Out With Thomas

Over Memorial Day weekend, Fisher lived every little boy's dream and rode a bonafide Thomas the Tank Engine. A lifelong train lover, Fisher loved the opportunity to have a father-son date with Dan to ride the Heber Creeper pulled by Thomas. The day included a tent filled with Thomas trains to play with and Thomas "tattoos." And the icing on the cake was meeting Johnny Miller at Granny's while eating a burger and shake with daddy. (Fisher has no idea who Johnny Miller is, so the treat was Dan's, let's be honest.)