Thursday, November 13, 2008


Because I am truly cruel, I dressed my poor son up as a girl for Halloween. He wouldn't wear any "real" costumes, so this way he didn't know he was actually dressed up. He bears an uncanny (and creepy) resemblance to our daughter Taylor. And those who didn't know him couldn't believe he was actually a boy! A little unsettling for us all. Taylor and Loryn were witches and little Quincy, only nine days old, was too little to dress up.
The kids had a great time trick-or-treating in the unusually warm weather and because they're not huge candy fans, I had a great time eating their stash!
Halloween has always been one of my favorite holidays because I used to love any excuse to dress up. My friends and I jumped at any chance to show off our latest thrift store finds. Although I didn't dress up this year, it was so much fun to see my four kids count down the days and get so excited to strut their stuff at their school parades.

Isn't She Lovely?

In the words of the great Stevie Wonder, "Isn't she Lovely? Isn't she wonderful?" As a new mom, I would have to answer with a resounding, "Yes!"

Quincy Grace Ross was born on October 21, 2008 at 4:30pm. She weighed 7lbs and 5oz and was 19 inches long. She was healthy and beautiful and the fact that she was a girl was, well, a surprise. She is our third daughter which makes Fisher outnumbered. The labor was quick and, thanks to an epidural, easy. It was a perfect day and we're very lucky to have her.