Monday, July 26, 2010

Love My Loryn

I love my Loryn. She's the kind of girl that just makes you shake your head . . . for a variety of reasons. She's the kind of girl that makes people say "she's a real firecracker, isn't she?" or "you're going to have your hands full with that one." She's intense and passionate and wears her emotions on her sleeve. And for all these reasons, she's good for me. She was meant for me. Every day, I learn something new from her . . . whether it's about her, or about me, or about life in general. She keeps me on my toes- always guessing, always questioning, always wondering,
always scratching my head. How I love her!

Day at the Dentist

My kids have the enviable record of never having had any cavities. I think this a pretty impressive fete. But if you're jealous of all the money we're saving in dentist bills, don't be. My kids all inherited my small mouth and large teeth, which means they all have to get teeth pulled at some point.

This year was Loryn's turn. She got two of her baby teeth pulled last week to make room for the monstrous ones coming in. And she's likely to have two more pulled. Taylor had four pulled when she was Loryn's age. A thing of beauty, eh? Aren't you impressed with my dentist's multi-talented hygenists, though? They're balloon artists!

July Birthdays

My BFF/cousin and my BFF/husband happened to have their birthdays four days apart. Luckily (or unluckily) for them, this means that their birthdays are usually celebrated together with our family. This year, Tiffany made a homemade "ooh la la" carrot cake and lemon cake, while I follwed Dan's specific request for a yellow cake mix cake with Duncan Hines frosting. Happy Birthday Dan and Megan!

Cul De Sac of Fire

This year was the second annual Cul-De-Sac of Fire. Our neighbors held a potluck firework and treat extravaganza. Once we all pooled our firework collections, we had quite the evening of pyrotechnics! It was a great night to share with our neighbors and friends!

Fourth of July

The Fourth of July in the Fisher Family is a thing of legend. Our parents and grandparents worked hard to make it a time for family, fun, and patriotism. I've worked hard to carry on the tradition for my children. After a three-day weekend filled with ballon fests, breakfasts, multiple swimming adventures, fireworks, BBQs, and lots of family . . . I hope I succeeded.

Thursday, July 22, 2010


What is the Fourth of July without a Fisher Family BBQ? I don't want to know.

Swimming on the Fourth

Every Fourth of July we attempt (and succeed) to pack in as much fun into a day as possible. And when it's over, we have the exhaustion to prove it. On July 3rd, we went to the Balloon Fest, Magelby's breakfast, swimming at Maridon's, hosted a family BBQ and then attended Stadium of Fire. Whew!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Bridal Veil Photo Shoot

A couple weeks ago, I watched my nieces and nephews while their mom played in the Utah Summer Games. For fun, we all went to up to Bridal Veil Falls for a picnic and to play in the freezing water.
We thought it would be the perfect setting to take some more photos of our grandma's latest knitting products too. The kids were good sports to be such cooperative models. Haven't checked out her blog yet?

Summer Fun

Aaah, the lazy days of summer. Last year, I attempted (in vain) to theme each day of summer and schedule our fun. This year, I gave up on that completely and we lavished in the luxury of laziness through all of June. One of our first activities was playing in the water up Rock Canyon with our cousins.